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Villas for rent in Ciputra compose of different types, from big size of 443 sqm in Q block Ciputra to 124 sqm in C2, C4 block of Phase 1. The rents also vary differently from 1200$ to 7000$ based on size, furniture and quality. Villa for rent in Ciputra Hanoi have dominant advantages of location, with 3 well-known, reputable international school inside the project, including UNIS Hanoi, SIS Hanoi and Hanoi Academy. The residents in this Ciputra villas are quintessance class of Hanoi, Vietnam and the surroundings of Ciputra are well-maintained with serene greenery, high security of 3 layers.
This is an ideal place for those families with children studying in UNIS school, Hanoi Academy or SIS schools.