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Yen Phu village - a small village full of life despite its small size. There are no must do in Yen Phu, time and simplicity of life is what the village has in store for the visitor. It is a great starting spot to know Viet Nam and its people and the best for people in need of discovering safe destinations easily.
About the flat, there is 02 bedrooms, 1 office room, 02 bathrooms, cozy interior space with sufficient amenities and main items made from wood, rattan, bamboo.
All the room are meticulously decorated by the owner in every detail, from living room to the bedroom, each item is unique in its own way.
Large and airy balcony with the patio table and paper flower pot are placed outside show more lyrical and peaceful scenery of Hanoi sunset.
If you are the lover of beauty, love the quiet, hate the noisy and rush of life, this is the best amazing place you can find in Hanoi.
Please feel free to contact us to take a view it now!
634 properties